The Oil & Gas sector is facing a challenging and competitive time; all companies in this sector must ensure a skilled and motivated workforce to meet and exceed the business expectations – this is where WeGauge can help. Our courses can be custom-designed for clients’ needs, or selected from a series of public courses. Please contact us for more information or to discuss your specific requirements. The full programmes for the main public and in-house courses that WeGauge offers training on In-Line Inspection Operations, Defect and Risk Assessment, Pipeline Integrity Management
Course Objectives
To provide information on pig types and technology and give an overview of ILI data reporting, whilst also providing details of pipeline preparation, project planning, procedures (such as how to launch and receive pigs), general operations and safety related to pigging activities.
Course Content
The syllabus covers: proving, cleaning, in-line inspection pigging, associated activities and Integrity Management. Course Example: Pig design/technology, methodologies and pigging philosophy, together with guidance on the type of documentation and information required when planning and running a pigging campaign.
Post ILI Results
Examples of ILI reports
Caliper/Geometry tools assessment for dents, change in ovalities, bend radius
MFL (B31G, RSTRENG, DNV F101 etc.)
Review inspection results report
Defect assessment
planning re-inspection intervals
Integrity management planning/ GAP Analysis
Who Should Attend
WeGauge recommends that engineers, operators, foremen, trainers and hands-on personnel participate in these courses.